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ProMiles Automated Fuel Tax Reporting

ProMiles AFTR simplifies fuel tax reporting using your GPS data

ProMiles Automated Fuel Tax Reporting (AFTR) solution uses GPS lat/long ping data to create compliant fuel tax trips you can review, edit, and save in an easy to use web application. ProMiles imports fuel purchase information directly from the fuel card provider, assigns fuel information to trips, and creates interactive maps, trip sheets, and official/unofficial reports.

If you use this page to request information, we will waive the $150 setup fee and you will receive a 10% discount on ProMiles pricing.

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ProMiles AFTR Features
  • Create reports within seconds, including: IFTA, Mileage Tax, IRP percentages, Mileage by vehicle or division/fleet, State Adjacency Errors, Owner-Operator Chargeback, MPG/KPL, Audit Detail, State Crosstab, And, more… 
  • Create trip sheets with interactive maps
  • Archive trip histories for modification or deletion
  • Ensure accuracy with ProMiles’ data validation and exception correction services
  • Enjoy training and support provided by experts dedicated to user success
  • Access ProMiles’ Audit Support services for professional guidance before, during and after an audit
  • Archive data for 7 years or more